Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Self Introduction Essay

Hello my name is Kurtis Cartwright. I am a freshman and majoring in kinesiology. My hometown is a tiny place called Burnt Ranch about an hour and a half from here. I was born in Fortuna which is close to here as well. Last year I attended Trinity High School in Weaverville, CA about 2 hours east of here. Economics was one of my favorite classes because the teacher I had made everything so understandable and just made the class fun. One of my first and favorite writing experiences I've ever had was when I was in 4 th grade and wrote a 15 page story giving me an A in the class. I usually can write a lot better in a quiet place without a lot of distractions to alter me from focusing. As a young child I got read to the most being in the classroom and having teachers read to the class. One of my most memorable moments reading was my junior year of high trying to get extra credit in my English class and reading a 300 page book in one night and getting 100% of the test the next morning. I mostly enjoy books about like real life situations and meaningful lessons learned overall. Least favorite is war books. I can just never get into them. My favorite author used to be Ray Bradbury but recently I've read more sophisticated books with deeper meaning and such.
I'm playing football for HSU but I'm being redshirted this year. I'm also an only child and have lived in the same town of 500 people for 17 years. So living on my own now is quite big of a change for me. But I like it so far. I'm majoring in kinesiology because in the future I want to be able to be a teacher/coach for either a high school or university and just see where it takes me. Preferably I want to be a football coach so I can keep that in my life. Football is a big part of me and my families life. Everybody including all my uncles and cousins has played football. Only a couple at the college level and they played here at HSU. So I'm trying to keep the family tradition up pretty much. But I love football and want to go as far as possible with it that I can. Other than that theres not much really to me. I love to meet new people, I can usually get along with everybody, I'm the guy who loves to make people laugh and I try to avoid awkward situations with people.


  1. Ever since I first read this, I have wanted to ask you, what does it mean to be "redshirted" in football?

    You sound like you are going to be an excellent addition to whichever response group you are in. You seem willing to help and to keep up the positive energy of the group dynamics. I know your group will appreciate that.

    So what was the 300-page book you read in a single night then aced a test on the next day? It sounds like you are a person who just needs to identify his motivation and then there's nothing he can't do.

    I'd like to hear more about your writing experiences and how you felt about them. Writing for school? Creative writing? Activist writing, like letters to the editor or editorials?

  2. This is my main man i love this dude if you get the chance to meet this dude your going to remember it for the rest of your life i went to high school with him eddie and kurtis are the most rememerable people they make a big impact in my life sincerly jasson kirby
